Young Composers Workshop 2023 Application


Submit an application for this year’s Young Composers Workshop.

First, complete the applicant information fields in this form and pay the application fee.

Then, you will receive a link via email (within 24 hours) to a second form where you can upload CV, bio, and financial aid application files.


Submit an application for this year’s Young Composers Workshop.

First, complete the applicant information fields in this form and pay the application fee.

Then, you will receive a link via email (within 24 hours) to a second form where you can upload CV, bio, and financial aid application files.

Submit an application for this year’s Young Composers Workshop.

First, complete the applicant information fields in this form and pay the application fee.

Then, you will receive a link via email (within 24 hours) to a second form where you can upload CV, bio, and financial aid application files.